Your Skin

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10 Dry Body  Brushing Benefits 

1. Reduces Cellulite
Dry skin brushing may help to soften hard fat deposits below the skin while distributing fat deposits more evenly. This may help to diminish the appearance of cellulite

2. Exfoliates
Brushing your skin daily before showering will greatly improve the health and glow of your skin! You’d be amazed the difference you’ll see once the dead skin cells have been removed.

3. Unclogs  Pores
The brush’s stiff bristles help dislodge dry, flaky cells from the skin’s outer layers. This can improve cellular turnover and help with decongesting pores, which have the tendency to get clogged with dead skin and excess sebum. 

4. Accelerates Toxin Removal
Considering the fact that more than one-third of the toxins released by the body are excreted through the skin, dry skin brushing helps unclog the pores that excrete toxins. This helps with the removal of toxins that may remain trapped in the skin.

5. Helps Aid Digestion
Dry brushing helps with bloating because massaging the lymph nodes helps the body shed excess water and toxins so it can also help improve digestion, kidney function, and more.

6.  Prevents Ingrown Hairs
Regular dry body brushing encourages cell turnover so that your limbs will look and feel supple, and whether you wax or shave, a dry body brush is fantastic at keeping ingrown hairs at bay.

7. Polishes Tones and Evens Out Dark Spots
Because dry body brushing removes dead skin cells, it reveals the new skin underneath which helps to even out dark spots and because it also increases circulation it tones the skin and gives it a lovely polished glow. 

8.  Topical Treatments and Creams
Removing all those dead skin cells also help to absorb any topical treatments or creams more effectively so chances are you will need less product.

9. Relieves Stress
The process of dry brushing your body will be a soothing and meditative experience. This will help you unwind and feel more connected and focused once you’ve finished.

10. Invigorating
Not only is the process calming and relieving, but after you’ve finished you’ll be surprised how energized and awake you’ll feel!


So why not book your appointment now?

Call us on 07811 907116