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CBD Massage

A CBD massage is more like a regular massage, except that your masseur will be using CBD massage oil for your massage treatment. The anti-inflammatory properties of CBD will leave your CBD massage feeling more relaxed than usual.

When the CBD massage oil gets in contact with your skin, it catches local cannabinoid receptors in the dermis. The system works with the other bodily systems to keep everything in a healthy balance – from your temperature and appetite to your mood and response to pain. CBD will bind to the cannabinoid receptors in your peripheral nervous system, and this interaction produces the pain or stress-relieving effects some people feel when using CBD oil. 

CBD massage oils are beneficial for:

Easing tension

People go for massage therapy to ease their bodies from tension both in mind and body. CBD can help smoothen the tension in your muscles and help you relax. In addition, note that this product doesn’t contain THC, so you won’t get “high” from it. This ultimately means that you can go about your day without experiencing any negative side effects and still enjoy the relaxing afterglow of your massage session.

Nothing soothes your frayed mind and body after a hectic day as much as having a relaxing CBD massage. It not only untangles the muscle knots, but it also removes your stress in minutes. Your experience turns more pleasurable when using a high-quality Naturecan’s CBD Massage Oil.

Reduces anxiety and stress

Using CBD massage oil is very beneficial, especially if you suffer from anxiety or often feel stressed. This is because CBD oil induces a calming and soothing effect. Other than that, CBD oil massage effects can last for up to two hours.

Relieves chronic pain

CBD massages can be helpful for people who suffer from chronic pain. The cannabinols in CBD massage oil assist in reducing inflammation. This consequently relieves pain in the joints and muscles. 

An excellent moisturizer

You might not know this, but CBD is, in fact, an exceptional moisturizer. CBD massage oil consists of hemp, which is known for conditioning the skin to make it soft. Not only will it help you feel better and more relaxed after the massage, but it can also help you manage several skin conditions. 

Revives mood and morale

Combining the massage experience with CBD oil makes the therapy much more enjoyable. You’ll leave the massage therapy with smoother skin, relaxed muscles, and feel less anxious or stressed. All of these beautiful factors combined provide a massive boost to your mood.

Boosts your senses

  • Getting a CBD oil massage therapy is a great way to connect to your body, and stimulate the senses. Your skin, muscles, and mind are stimulated during the massage, and a CBD massage is a great way to do this.
  • Even if you’re not experiencing a health condition, you may be interested in trying CBD massage as part of your general exercise and recovery routine. CBD massage oil may enhance the benefits of massage, and it is considered very safe.

So why not book your appointment now?

Call us on 07811 907116